Smart Contract Management Tool

Deploy and manage smart contracts


Create, deploy and manage smart contracts at scale, improving efficiency


Coding smart contracts from scratch can be difficult. Our tool abstracts away complexity and makes smart contracts more accessible to less technical users

One of the powerful things about public blockchains, and the smart contracts deployed on them, is that they are immutable. However, that means that your contracts must be designed thoughtfully, so that they are future-proofed. They need to be right, first time. The MIN3 design process ensures that your smart contracts contain the appropriate functions, and we also provide a smart contract management tool that allows you to securely and intuitively manage those functions over time.

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smart contract management tool

Try our related products

We have created a series of products that can operate on their own or can integrate with other MIN3 products in order to provide a compelling user journey. Why not try these products to see how they can benefit your business?

  • Sign-up and experience our interactive AI Artwork Generation tool
  • Create your favourite self-portrait into an NFT on the blockchain using our Zero Code NFT Creation tool
  • See how this digital object is transferred into your possession with our Onchain Wallet Creation tool
  • Update the functionality of the NFT using our Smart Contract Management tool.

How can our Smart Contract Management Tool be used to benefit your business?

Crypto assets such as currencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are actually collections of smart contracts deployed on a blockchain. Like standard contracts, they can contain any number of clauses. We have used smart contract clauses in a variety of creative ways in order to benefit our clients. These include:

  • Allowlists: Prioritising tiers of your highest value customers for new products
  • Aidrops: Sending rewards to surprise and delight prospective, new or loyal customers
  • Changing metadata: e.g. Updating an NFT's image in response to an event (such as achieving a new loyalty tier)
  • Create, transfer or destroy tokens: e.g. as they are earned or spent on your business' platform
  • Change royalty address: Updating the address to which your business' secondary sale royalties are sent
  • Withdraw funds: Withdrawing the revenue that your business has been earned by selling the tokenised product
  • Etc.

These actions can be senstive, and it is important to ensure that only designated wallets (which could be controlled by a single person or an agreed quorum of people) can take them. This is where our Smart Contract Management tool comes into its own - it allows your business to securely manage how your smart contracts executes tasks.


We provide end-to-end services

We help clients to develop strategies that beat the competition. Closely collaborating with our clients, we use emerging technology like AI and blockchain to drive positive disruption, unlocking new possibilities for sustainable growth.

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