Introducing MIN3's Zero Code NFT Creation Tool

In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, tokenisation has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping how we perceive and interact with assets, both digital and physical

Bridging the physical and digital worlds through blockchain innovation

MIN3's Zero Code NFT Creation Tool: Simplifying Tokenisation for Businesses

Recognising the transformative potential of tokenisation and the technical barriers that often hinder its adoption, MIN3 has developed an innovative Zero Code NFT Creation tool. This innovative product allows businesses to create smart contracts simply and cheaply, seamlessly integrating them into existing processes and technology stacks.

By lowering the technical barriers to entry, MIN3's tool empowers businesses across various sectors to harness the power of blockchain technology and tokenisation. Whether it's streamlining supply chains, creating new financial products, or revolutionising customer engagement, the possibilities are extensive.

Understanding Tokenisation and Smart Contracts


The Burgeoning Market for Tokenised Assets


Key Benefits of Tokenisation


Beyond Digital Art: The Versatility of NFTs


Real-World Applications of Tokenisation


Summing up


Paddy Vance


Paddy spent the last three decades regulating and consulting within the Financial Services Sector. He has extensive experience of building successful businesses and an excellent track record leveraging technology to strategic advantage. He is passionate about fairness, trust, and the truth.

Speak to Paddy

How can our Zero Code NFT Creation tool be used for your business?

NFTs are smart contracts stored on a transparent and immutable public ledger called a blockchain that represent ownership of a digital asset. The list of reasons your business might want to utilise NFTs is almost endless - from improving membership offerings to redefining customer loyalty, to revolutionising supply chains. Today, smart contract engineers are relatively expensive and in short supply. At the same time, most NFTs will require quite standard smart contracts. Our clients won’t want to engage us to create bespoke contracts every time they have a new use case for tokenisation. Therefore, we have created a product that allows people without advanced technical skills to generate a new collection of NFTs via a simple web form (zero code). Our Zero Code NFT Creation tool allows businesses to experiment with digital contracts in a way that is simple, low-cost, quick to deploy and highly scalable.


We provide end-to-end services

We help clients to develop strategies that beat the competition. Closely collaborating with our clients, we use emerging technology like AI and blockchain to drive positive disruption, unlocking new possibilities for sustainable growth.

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