
Forward Thinking by MIN3

Episode 1

About the episode

Forward Thinking by MIN3 is a podcast that taps into the collective expertise of MIN3's consultants to explore the cutting edge of technology, business strategy, and innovation. In each episode, our in-house experts dive deep into emerging trends and ideas that are shaping the future of industry. We analyse game-changing technologies, discuss strategic approaches, and share insights to help businesses stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspiring entrepreneur, Forward Thinking by MIN3 offers practical knowledge and foresight to navigate tomorrow's challenges and opportunities.

In this first episode, Paddy, Neal, and George explore the topic of stablecoins.

Often described as having the strongest product-market fit amongst an array of blockchain use cases, stablecoins offer a way of bringing the many advantages of blockchain technology to one of the most important assets in the world - money.

Watch/listen to the full episode to learn more about:

  • MIN3's experience working on stablecoin projects for clients
  • What stablecoins are
  • The history of stablecoins
  • Stablecoin use cases
  • The stablecoin market size and composition
  • The centralisation risks posed by stablecoins
  • The state of stablecoin regulation - UK, US, and global
  • How to prepare for upcoming stablecoin regulation in the UK
  • What a winning stablecoin strategy looks like
  • How stablecoin issuers make money
  • The opportunity for retail banks 

George Hammick

Product Owner

George has been involved in the crypto space since 2017. Before joining MIN3 as a consultant, George led research efforts at an NFT Studio and co-founded a platform providing support to a community of web3 entrepreneurs.

Speak to George

Paddy Vance


Paddy spent the last three decades regulating and consulting within the Financial Services Sector. He has extensive experience of building successful businesses and an excellent track record leveraging technology to strategic advantage. He is passionate about fairness, trust, and the truth.

Speak to Paddy

Neal Rushton-King


Neal brings a wealth of knowledge and experience of leading digital transformations with some of the world’s largest and most successful companies, across a broad range of industries. He specialises in business and product strategy, product management, programme delivery, crypto, and engineering.

Speak to Neal

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We provide end-to-end services

We help clients to develop strategies that beat the competition. Closely collaborating with our clients, we use emerging technology like AI and blockchain to drive positive disruption, unlocking new possibilities for sustainable growth.

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