Sam Bankman-Fried & The Collapse of FTX

The web3 Podcast


Season 4 Episode 3

About the episode

In an atmosphere of media and Twittersphere speculation, The web3 Podcast brings back two of its most popular guests, Neal Rushton-King and Paddy Vance, to deep dive on what happened and what we can learn from it.

Neal Rushton-King


Neal brings a wealth of knowledge and experience of leading digital transformations with some of the world’s largest and most successful companies, across a broad range of industries. He specialises in business and product strategy, product management, programme delivery, crypto, and engineering.

Speak to Neal

Paddy Vance


Paddy spent the last three decades regulating and consulting within the Financial Services Sector. He has extensive experience of building successful businesses and an excellent track record leveraging technology to strategic advantage. He is passionate about fairness, trust, and the truth.

Speak to Paddy

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