MIN3's Onchain Wallet Creation Tool: Bridging the Gap to Mass Blockchain Adoption

Simplifying Blockchain Interactions with User-Friendly Onchain Wallets

Onchain wallet

Enhancing User Experience and Accessibility in the Onchain World


At MIN3, we are dedicated to developing products that help our clients achieve their strategic goals. One such innovation is our Onchain Wallet Creation tool, designed to provide a seamless and familiar wallet creation experience for users, overcoming issues present in current market solutions. This article will explore what an onchain wallet is, the reasons behind our tool's creation, the benefits of our approach, and a case study of Coinbase's Smart Wallet product, which offers similar functionality.

What is an Onchain Wallet?


Why We Created the Tool


The Benefits of Our Product


Case Study: Coinbase


Demo the Tool


George Hammick

Product Owner

George has been involved in the crypto space since 2017. Before joining MIN3 as a consultant, George led research efforts at an NFT Studio and co-founded a platform providing support to a community of web3 entrepreneurs.

Speak to George

How can our Onchain Wallet Creation tool be used to benefit your business?

If your business is going to integrate with blockchain assets (e.g. for membership and rewards within your next-generation loyalty programme), then you will need to create and use onchain wallets. However, the web3-native onchain wallet experience is not for the faint-hearted. We doubt that you want to be asking your customers to install browser extensions, create their own wallet, securely manage their private keys, protect 12- to 24-word seed phrases, pay gas fees to perform actions and transactions, and vet the security of any application to which they wish to connect this wallet. This is why our Onchain Wallet Creation tool uses a web2.5 wallet approach that allows users to manage their digital assets intuitively.


We provide end-to-end services

We help clients to develop strategies that beat the competition. Closely collaborating with our clients, we use emerging technology like AI and blockchain to drive positive disruption, unlocking new possibilities for sustainable growth.

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